Protecting Our WaterWays

Protecting Our Water-Ways (POWW) is an IRS 501c3 nonprofit organization that is focused at cleaning the local water ways in Piqua, Ohio and the adjoining northern Miami Valley.

Every third Saturday in July we participate in the Clean Sweep of The Great Miami River by cleaning our adopted 16 mile section of the GMR from south Sidney to south Piqua. POWW volunteers also organize yearly Spring and Fall cleanings of the Swift Run Lake, Echo Lake, Franz Pond,and Piqua Hydraulic Canal.

With the help of our wonderful volunteers, we are able to pick up trash and pollution from these areas to keep them in the pristine natural state they started out in. We would like to extend a hearty "Thank You" to Cargill Inc. our main sponsor.

Our largest event is the Clean Sweep of The Great Miami River and POWW has been involved every year since 2004. POWW volunteers have removed over 216,500 pounds of trash and debris from the river. Each year over 100 volunteers come from around the area to help clean, eat a provided lunch, and share the beauty of the river with others. If you care about the GMR and want to help us keep it clean and pristine for all, join POWW in The Clean Sweep of The Great Miami River. Learn how to volunteer by clicking "click here".